
168 lines
4.6 KiB

package main
import (
var (
dials []Dial
type Dial struct {
Connection *net.TCPConn // the real deal underlying TCP connection
Geo *geometry.Geometry // the 3D geometry
Mat *material.Standard // the material / color
Mesh *graphic.Mesh // the combined geometry and material
Node *core.Node // pointer to node in scene, required for removing the object if connection goes down
Status string // String to control what's displayed in the scene. Can be Disconnected, Connected, Leased Out
// TBD: Make less destructive when downsizing (prioritize dials without connections, then dials that aren't leased out, then what's left)
func setConnPoolSize(maxPoolSize int) {
for _, dial := range dials {
dial.Geo = nil
dial.Mat = nil
dial.Mesh = nil
dial.Node = nil
dials = make([]Dial, 0)
// Update the position of the connections on the scene
padding := float32(200 / (maxPoolSize + 1)) // space between the connection objects in 3D space
currX := float32(maxPoolSize/2) * -padding // variable gets updated, this is the initial starting position (left most connection in 3D space)
if maxPoolSize%2 == 0 {
currX += padding / 2
for i := 0; i < maxPoolSize; i++ {
dial := Dial{Geo: geometry.NewBox(1, 1, 1), Mat: material.NewStandard(math32.NewColor("Grey")), Status: "Disconnected"}
dial.Mesh = graphic.NewMesh(dial.Geo, dial.Mat)
currX += padding
dial.Node = scene.Add(dial.Mesh)
dials = append(dials, dial)
// Keeps the pool full, replaces stale connections, and at the same time creates the objects in the 3D scenes representing physical connections
// should be ran in its own goroutine
func connPoolWatchdog(serverAddress string) {
tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp4", serverAddress)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to resolve serverAddress '%s': %v", serverAddress, err)
for {
stateChange := false // set to true if there's been any state changes since the last polling
// Check status of existing open connections in pool
for i := range dials {
// if there is no existing connection
if dials[i].Connection == nil {
log.Printf("dialing new connection")
var err error
dials[i].Connection, err = net.DialTCP("tcp", nil, tcpAddr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to dial TCP connection: %v", err)
dials[i].Connection.SetKeepAlivePeriod(time.Second * 5)
dials[i].Status = "Connected"
stateChange = true
// test if the connection is still working
if !isConnUp(dials[i].Connection) { // TBD: this should be moved to check before first write to the socket file descriptor instead of polling here
log.Printf("closing bad idle connection and removing from pool - %s", dials[i].Connection.LocalAddr().String())
dials[i].Connection = nil
dials[i].Status = "Disconnected"
stateChange = true
if stateChange {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) // random sleep, AKA evidence this shouldn't be a watchdog,
// this whole function should be event based instead of polling
// TBD: Refactor to buffered channel instead of finding one on the fly?
func requestLease() (*net.TCPConn, error) {
inPoolConns := make(map[int]Dial)
for i, dial := range dials {
if dial.Status == "Connected" {
inPoolConns[i] = dial
if len(inPoolConns) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pool exhausted")
// Selects a random connection from the pool
var i int
for i = range inPoolConns {
dials[i].Status = "Leased Out"
return dials[i].Connection, nil
func releaseConnection(conn *net.TCPConn) {
for i := range dials {
if dials[i].Connection.LocalAddr().String() != conn.LocalAddr().String() {
dials[i].Status = "Connected"
// Checks if connection is still up by reading the heartbeat data from the server
// returns err if connection is not active
func isConnUp(conn *net.TCPConn) bool {
conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Millisecond * 300))
buf := make([]byte, 128)
_, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("connection error detected: %v", err)
return false
var zero time.Time
return true