# kelly-paper-experiment If you start with $100 balance, and you make a bet with a 70% chance of winning. If you win, you get $80. If you lose, you lose $80. Do you take the bet? Even more interesting, if you could keep repeating this bet over and over again, always betting 80% of your balance, should you do it? It makes sense, right, the odds are in your favor! ### The actual answer - if you want to go broke, then yes This blew my mind, how counter-intuitive the answer to this question actually is. This program runs 16 simulations where you start with a balance of 100 currencies. You make consecutive bets, always betting 80% of your total balance with a 70% chance of winning each bet. It then reports the results after ONLY 200 bets. The result is the percentage of your returns (your end balance divided by your starting balance). ### Output Notice the e-n at the end... these are very small numbers, with only one simulation winning out with 24441% return based on the original balance. * 9.615689177895335e-11 * 0.037253150033722274 * 1.3190245785864657e-13 * 1.0684099086550371e-11 * 0.0041392388926358116 * 0.004139238892635805 * 5.1101714723898945e-05 * 7.788708234095249e-09 * 244.4179173712515 * 5.67796830265542e-06 * 0.0041392388926358185 * 1.1871221207278168e-12 * 0.0004599154325150897 * 1.0684099086550387e-11 * 7.788708234095218e-09 * 0.0041392388926358116 In other words, given enough time, we're all screwed. ### Reference Video [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://img.youtube.com/vi/91IOwS0gf3g/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91IOwS0gf3g) ### How to build this program yourself 1. Install go - https://golang.org/dl/ 2. Clone - git clone https://deadbeef.codes/steven/kelly-paper-experiment.git 3. Build - cd kelly-paper-experiment && go build .