[![Build Status](https://drone.deadbeef.codes/api/badges/steven/deadbeef.codes-publicfileserver/status.svg)](https://drone.deadbeef.codes/steven/deadbeef.codes-publicfileserver) # deadbeef.codes-publicfileserver Serves files to the public, static content to any files in ./public This is meant to be a spot for non-changing content, to host files to allow me to share with others. In most cases it'll be best practice to keep project-related files within the project directory and serve public static content from a webserver within that project. ### Prerequisites 1. First, install [Go](https://golang.org/dl/). 2. Then, install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) - see left menu for other distibutions. 3. Finally, install [docker-compose](sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.26.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose) ### Build Application ```shell go build -a -ldflags '-w' ``` You may need to log out and back in afterwards to ensure the "go" command is set in your PATH environment variable, otherwise it may say it's an invalid command. ### Build Container Disclaimer! If you use this, you’ll need to build the container yourself. I have a CICD pipeline setup, but my registry is used for my internal infrastructure only and is not publicly available. Because this is a staticly linked binary with no external runtime dependancies, the container literally only contains the binary file, keeping it clean and low in size (6.3MB). I never did understand why people include operating systems in containers. ```shell docker build -t publicfileserver:latest . ``` ### Example docker-compose.yml ```yaml version: '3.7' services: publicfileserver: image: publicfileserver:latest restart: always ports: - 8080:8080 volumes: - /data/public:/public ``` In this example, data stored on your host disk /data/public would be served ## Usage ```shell git clone https://deadbeef.codes/steven/deadbeef.codes-publicfileserver.git docker build -t publicfileserver:latest . docker-compose up -d ```